Sometimes, when we first like someone we tend to put so much effort into doing this and that for them to show that you genuinely care about them, But thing is that effort that was once there in the beginning begins to dwindle down after a while until one or the other stops trying altogether. When you feel the spark begin to FADE you have to do things together to reignite that flame, Do things to surprise each other now and then, you know? Don't let the same monotonous routines RUIN THE RELATIONSHIP. It could be a surprise "HOME COOKED DINNER" or just a nice day out with one another just to enjoy each others company. It doesn't even have to be anything expensive, Just as long as it genuinely comes from the heart and it shows that you still care about them. Do things from them that make them happy or even try new things that the other person may like, you know? All I'm really trying to say is make "EFFORT" a constant in the relationship instead of LETTING IT DIE after a while. If you care about them and they are someone special to you then I know you don't want to lose them, So I mean why stop trying then? ALWAYS TRY, FIGHT FOR THEM AND DON'T GIVE UP OR TAKE EACH OTHER FOR GRANTED.-- 

Bharath Bhushan

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