Life is unpredictable.

1. Life, is unpredictable, for sure. u never know when time's going to take a turn. So, do watever u want to do….Don wait for the right time…right time is the time wen u hav decided to do it…so don b late.. 2. Family, they r the closest ones. God picked them for us to take care of us. No matter how much occupied v r, make at least a minute long call to say hi to them. believe me, when they say everything's alright, it actually makes everything alright. 3. friends, they r not just friends, they r our achievements. v hand picked them among all this crowd. Care for them, they r not just partners in partying and fun, they r the ones who'll understand u and stand by ur side wen no else can. 4. Love, first of exists!! if u really think u are or u were in love, then u can never be a failure. u have already succeeded by feeling the most beautiful emotion in world. and its not about owning sum1…its about giving urself to sum1.. 5. urself, ya i intetionally kept it in end. and its location differs to person to person. but ya dats true, with all the other aspects, u have to give sum time to urself. so love urself, u r the best..

Bharath Bhushan

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