I Love You

The depth of your eyes, the words no man could ever speak
Your essence, your very presence makes me weak
The comfort of your body, the warmth of your soul you emit
You practically melt my heart the moment we kiss 
And the first moment we did, I knew that I loved you 
Yeah I'm a guy but I could have cried when you said you loved me too
See I could have held you forever and died that very day
If I'd gone in your arms, I wouldn't want it any other way 
You are my life, my death, my beginning & my end
My love, my lady, my baby and best friend
I'm your man; we can go for a walk in the park & hold hands
All things aside, baby I want you to know that I understand
And if I don't, I want you to try & give me a chance,
Let me make it right, take you out to a dinner & dance :p
What ever you want what ever you need, baby I'm there
For you I'll die a thousand deaths to show how much I care
I'm not saying I'm perfect, not even close
But if anyone loves you, I think I'll love you the most
For you I'd fight worlds, or remove every thorn on every rose
Just so I can tickle your cute little nose :p
I love every inch of you, inside and out
When I found you, I found out what my life is all about (S)

*I Love You*

Bharath Bhushan

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